How to submit v-ray standalone job submission task on a webpage for rendering (Tutorial
The desktop client and web are compared in terms of the business type, submission method, support system, support software, and process, the submission method for user guidelines follows these guidelines step by step on submitting the desktop client for rendering in this Tutorial.)
V-Ray Standalone :
V-Ray Standalone is a full-featured and programmable command-line renderer that supports V-Ray's native. scene file format. V-Ray Standalone supports V-Ray's complete feature set including CPU & GPU rendering capabilities. watch the complete tutorial on submitting a v-ray Standalone task on the desktop client for rendering.
following the steps on How to submit the V-Ray Standalone submission task on a webpage for rendering (Tutorial)
First Step: Log in to www. foxrenderfarm. in proceed to the dashboard, check local submission files, turn on automatic creation of local directories, select folder to upload, transfer list pops up in the lower right corner, and check it the upload is complete.
Second Step: click on proceed submission page set the project path, need to include all render materials select render file update configuring software and plugin information, click on to go analysis, proceed analysis list waiting for analysis complete, click on analysis was done task.
Third Step: the analysis results page pops up, it analysis is done with an error cannot submit to render, its analysis is done with a warning it can be ignored and proceed to render, setting public parameters settings v-ray parameters, click submit proceed to render queue, tasks queued for rendering completed, click task tasks details pop up on the right side, open the output file page download rendering results. the process has been completed check it now to Click here