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What is mean raysync and how to deal with raysync’s server error (FAQ)

Written by foxrender farm | Aug 3, 2022 6:01:01 AM

What is mean raysync and how to deal with raysync’s server error  follow these processes ( FAQ

What is Raysync? 

Raysync transmission engine solves the problems of customers' cross-border transmission, long-distance transmission, large file transmission, and so on perfectly with its industry's leading core technology on data transmission, and maximizes the bandwidth efficiency, thus improving the work efficiency and obtaining unanimous favorable comments from customers.

Q. How to deal with the situation if the Raysync client is enabled, but Raysync’s web client prompts a server error?

A: Check whether the Raysync client has been started. It is possible that the user registry is limited (such as installing security software or having no administrator rights when installing) and cannot be written, which makes it impossible to start from the webpage. At this time, you need to manually run the Raysync client. Right-click the Raysync client icon(In the taskbar of the computer desktop in the lower right corner)to select Error Detection, and check whether the domain name, system time, system proxy, and certificate are all in "Correct" status.Steps:

  Right-click the icon of the Raysync client in the taskbar of the computer desktop in the lower right corner, and select "Error Detection". Check the items with incorrect detection results.

 There are the following three points :

  1.  Incorrect domain name Solution: modify the "%Windows%\System32\drivers\etc\hosts" file and add a line of "".
  2. Incorrect app setup Solution: contact us to import the fixed bug. reg file, and then modify the default value of "HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\RaySync\DefaultIcon" to the correct program path, and "HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\RaySync\shell\open\command" should also be changed to the correct path.
  3.  Incorrect proxy Solution: it means that the proxy is enabled and the proxy service needs to be shut down. d. Incorrect certificate Solution: the certificate may be invalid because the client version is too old. You can contact us to update the certificate or update the Raysync server version.

 Q: what are the solutions when the raysync app is open and it shows failed to connect to the transmission plugin on the web?

 Right-click the Raysync client icon In the taskbar of the computer desktop in the lower right corner to select Error Detection, check whether the "server domain name" and "server address" are correct addresses, and ping whether the addresses are connected under the cmd command line.

  • If the webpage can be displayed normally, but the server connection timed out, you can try entering the Raysync client->Setting-Transmission to modify the UDP packet size to a smaller value.
  •  If the above solutions still cannot solve the problem, please contact the online customer for processing. Click here 

Q: How to deal with the situation if the pop-up window prompts the system to detect that the web page cannot be connected to the transmission plug-in?

 Please check whether the transfer plug-in has been installed locally. If it is not installed, please install the transfer plug-in and click to upload the file or folder again. Please refresh the page and click to upload the file or folder again. If the transfer plug-in has been activated, please exit the plug-in and click to upload the file or folder again.

  •  Please check if the network connection is normal, and check if the system or browser has enabled the proxy settings. If so, please turn off the proxy and try again.
  • Please try to change the line on the web page and click the TCP protocol to solve the problem.
  • If the above solutions still cannot solve the problem, please contact the online customer for processing.