Cloud Rendering - Fox Render farm

Follow the steps on how to solve cinema 4d rendering error solutions

Written by foxrender farm | Aug 8, 2022 7:18:14 AM

Following the steps on how to solve cinema 4d rendering error solutions.

Cinema 4D :

Cinema 4D is an animation platform that helps businesses streamline 3D animation, modeling, simulation, and rendering operations via a unified platform. following the steps on how to solve Cinema 4D error solutions.

    Texture in file missing : 

  • Please check if the following textures are used in the scene or not; if yes, use File->Save Project with Assets to package the complete project directory, to ensure that all the textures and cache files can be loaded correctly; if not, it is recommended to clear them up and submit them again.
  • Clearing up method: find the corresponding unused texture in the Texture Manager of the Window menu, and right-click Clear Textures to clear up the unneeded texture. Note: Manually put the used texture in the tex folder when the ass of Arnold is used as a proxy because C4D automatic packaging can’t successfully package.
  • Confirm whether there is any missing texture in the scene: sometimes the presets or the textures under other plugins may also be lost. Open the scene here

  • a √ symbol means the texture can be loaded typically; a × symbol or Error Loading Texture displayed means that the texture can’t be loaded usually, then re-designate the texture path in the file.


A texture file is a video file

Method: If the texture in the scene file is in video format which is not supported by the platform, such as, then change the .mov file to a texture format, and reload the texture file for resubmission. process it been continued to check it now click here 

Different frame rates

Method: Unify the Frame Rate under Render Settings and FPS under Project Settings.

Rendering output image in an unsupported format

C4D output format problem: If the rendering output is in a video format unsupported by the platform, then change it to the image format, package the file and then submit it. The formats unsupported are listed as Arnold-Dummy, 3GP, ASF, AVI, MP4, WMV, iMovie, QuickTimeMovie, QuickTimeVRPanorama, and QuickTimeVRObject.











Turn off “infinite” rendering :

Change the Progressive Mode under the Physical of Renderer to Pass Count or Time Limit mode to avoid “infinite” rendering which wastes valuable time and node resources .click here