Following the steps on how to solve cinema 4d rendering error solutions.
Cinema 4D :
Cinema 4D is an animation platform that helps businesses streamline 3D animation, modeling, simulation, and rendering operations via a unified platform. following the steps on how to solve Cinema 4D error solutions.
Texture in file missing :
A texture file is a video file
Method: If the texture in the scene file is in video format which is not supported by the platform, such as, then change the .mov file to a texture format, and reload the texture file for resubmission. process it been continued to check it now click here
Different frame rates
Method: Unify the Frame Rate under Render Settings and FPS under Project Settings.
Rendering output image in an unsupported format
C4D output format problem: If the rendering output is in a video format unsupported by the platform, then change it to the image format, package the file and then submit it. The formats unsupported are listed as Arnold-Dummy, 3GP, ASF, AVI, MP4, WMV, iMovie, QuickTimeMovie, QuickTimeVRPanorama, and QuickTimeVRObject.
Turn off “infinite” rendering :
Change the Progressive Mode under the Physical of Renderer to Pass Count or Time Limit mode to avoid “infinite” rendering which wastes valuable time and node resources .click here